Heart-Shaped Fondant Potatoes

Heart-Shaped Fondant Potatoes

Valentine’s Day is all about love and affection, and what better way to express your love than with a beautifully crafted meal?

Heart-shaped fondant potatoes are the perfect side dish to impress your loved ones.

They are not only delicious but also visually stunning, making them an excellent addition to any romantic dinner.

This recipe is surprisingly easy to follow, and with a few simple steps, you can create a memorable dish that will delight your partner.

One of the best things about this recipe is that you don’t have to waste any part of the potato.

The potato scraps can be used in various other dishes such as hash, mashed potatoes, or roasted potatoes.

This not only minimizes waste but also adds versatility to your cooking.

Heart-Shaped Fondant Potatoes (4 servings)


  • 4-5 large Yukon gold potatoes, sliced into 1” rounds
  • Avocado oil (or another high heat oil)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 4-6 tbsp butter (regular or vegan)
  • 8-10 cloves garlic
  • 4-5 sprigs each of rosemary and thyme
  • 1 cup vegetable stock
  • Heart-shaped cookie cutter

Step 1: Preheat the Oven

Preheat your oven to 425˚F.

This ensures that your oven will be ready to cook the potatoes to perfection after the initial preparation steps.

Step 2: Prepare the Potatoes

Slice the potatoes into 1” thick rounds.

Then, use a small heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out the heart shapes.

This step gives the potatoes their distinctive and charming appearance.

Step 3: Soak the Potatoes

Place the potato hearts in a bowl of cold water and soak for 15 minutes.

This process helps to remove excess starch, which can prevent the potatoes from sticking together during cooking.

After soaking, pat the potatoes completely dry with a paper towel.

Step 4: Heat the Oil

Meanwhile, heat avocado oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Just before adding the potatoes, reduce the heat to medium. This will prevent the oil from becoming too hot and burning the potatoes.

Step 5: Sear the Potatoes

Add the potatoes to the skillet and sear for 3-5 minutes on one side, until they are golden brown and crispy.

Season the potatoes with salt.

Flip the potatoes over, season with salt again, and sear for another 3-5 minutes until the other side is also golden brown and crispy.

Step 6: Remove Excess Oil

Using tongs and a paper towel, soak up as much of the frying oil as possible.

It is important to turn off the heat for this step to avoid any accidents.

Step 7: Add Butter and Seasonings

Return the skillet to medium heat and add butter, garlic, herbs, salt, and pepper to taste.

Heat the butter until it becomes foamy and hot, but be careful not to brown it.

Baste the potatoes with the hot butter to infuse them with flavor.

Step 8: Add Vegetable Stock and Bake

Pour in the vegetable stock and place the skillet in the preheated oven.

Bake for 15-20 minutes until the potatoes are completely tender on the inside.

The vegetable stock helps to cook the potatoes evenly and adds a rich flavor to the dish.

Enjoy Your Creation

Once the potatoes are done, they are ready to be served.

These heart-shaped fondant potatoes are not only a feast for the eyes but also a delight to the taste buds.

They make a perfect side dish for any Valentine’s Day meal or any special occasion where you want to show someone you care.

Tips and Variations

  • Choosing the Right Potatoes: Yukon gold potatoes are ideal for this recipe because they have a rich, buttery flavor and a creamy texture. However, you can experiment with other varieties like russet or red potatoes if you prefer.
  • Herb Substitutions: If you don’t have rosemary or thyme, you can use other herbs like sage, oregano, or parsley. Fresh herbs are always best, but dried herbs can be used in a pinch.
  • Garlic Variations: If you’re a garlic lover, consider roasting the garlic cloves before adding them to the butter for an even deeper flavor. Alternatively, you can use garlic powder if fresh garlic is not available.
  • Serving Suggestions: These heart-shaped fondant potatoes pair well with a variety of main courses. Try serving them with a juicy steak, roasted chicken, or a hearty vegetable stew. They also make a lovely addition to a brunch menu.


Creating heart-shaped fondant potatoes is a wonderful way to add a touch of elegance and love to your meals.

This recipe is not only easy to follow but also allows you to make use of the entire potato, minimizing waste.

With their golden brown and crispy exterior and tender interior, these potatoes are sure to impress anyone who tastes them.

Whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day or simply want to make a meal extra special, these fondant potatoes are a perfect choice.

So, get your ingredients ready, follow the steps, and enjoy the process of making this delightful dish.

Don’t forget to use the potato scraps creatively in other dishes to make the most out of your cooking experience.

Happy cooking and happy Valentine’s Day!

Author: Shubham Calmblay

Shubham Calmblay, founder of appsthatdeliver.com, has a decade of experience with various Google products. He has authored 1,000+ guides for ATD, published on prestigious tech blogs. His work has garnered recognition from Protocol.com, Leadsbridge.com, MadMobile.com, and numerous other leading publications and corporations.