Are you looking for a Google Docs font that closely replicates the look and feel of a typewriter?
If so, you’re in luck!
Google has 20 fonts inspired by classic typewriters.
Typewriters have held a special place in digital culture for years.
For nostalgia buffs and anyone looking to create a vintage tone, these fonts are definitely worth trying out.
Don’t know how to add these fonts in Google Docs?
Read this guide: How to Add Fonts to Google Docs
Best Google Docs Typewriter Fonts
If you’re looking to spruce up your documents with a retro feel, consider using one of these free Google Docs typewriter fonts:
1. Courier Prime

2. Special Elite

3. Cutive Mono

4. VT323

5. Syne Mono

6. Inconsolata

7. IBM Plex Mono

8. Kosugi Maru

9. Source Code Pro

10. Cousine

11. Fira Code

12. Space Grotesk

13. Anonymous Pro

14. Roboto Mono

15. Lekton

16. Montserrat

17. Roboto Slab

18. Source Serif Pro

19. Arvo

20. Cormorant Garamond

Note: Go to Fonts from the toolbar > More fonts > Choose the font.
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How to Get Typewriter Font on Google Docs?
To get typewriter font on Google Docs, click on the “Font” feature from the toolbar, then either select “Courier Prime” or “Special Elite” from the list of fonts.
Google Doc Font That Looks Like a Typewriter
Courier Prime is the Google Doc font that looks like a typewriter.
How to Get Different Courier Fonts in Google Docs?
Go to “Fonts” from the toolbar > More Fonts > search for all the courier fonts.
American Typewriter Font Google Docs
Special Elite is the American Typewriter font in Google Docs.
Typewriter Font Name Google Docs
Courier Prime
What is the Typewriter Font Called on Google Docs?
The typewriter font on Google Docs is called “Courier Prime”.
Best Typewriter Font on Google Docs
Courier Prime is the best typewriter font on Google Docs.
Old Typewriter Font Google Docs
Go for Courier Prime or Special Elite if you want an old typewriter font in Google Docs.
What Font is Typewriter Font on Google Docs?
Courier Prime is the typewriter font on Google Docs.