Whether you’re writing a poem about lost love, a story about a tragic event, or simply a journal entry about a difficult day, the right font can help you convey the sadness in your words.
Google Docs offers various sad fonts, allowing you to find the perfect one that matches your tone and mood.
This article will list some of the most popular sad fonts on Google Docs.
So, if you’re searching for a font that can help you express your sadness, keep reading!
Also read: (opens in new tab)
The Best Aesthetic Fonts on Google Docs & Google Slides
Best Handwriting Fonts on Google Docs
Scary Fonts on Google Docs
How to Add Fonts to Google Docs
Sad Fonts on Google Docs
Sad fonts typically have a downward slant, giving them a heavy and gloomy appearance.
They are positioned low and close to the bottom line, making the words appear small and as if attempting to hide, which adds to the sense of sadness.
Another characteristic of a sad font is its fragile or delicate appearance as if it could easily break.
Words written in these fonts can convey vulnerability or weakness, further emphasizing the feeling of sadness.
Here are the top sad fonts available on Google Docs:
1. La Belle Aurore

2. Quicksand

3. Dosis

4. Tangerine

5. Nanum Gothic Coding

6. Short Stack

7. Nothing You Could Do

8. Sue Ellen Francisco

9. Just Me Again Down Here

10. Poor Story