Create Your Own Super Bouncy Balls

Summer is a fantastic season to unwind with the kids, but boredom can quickly set in! I often find myself searching for new activities to keep my three little ones entertained.

This summer, we’ve had a blast making various types of slime, with our favorite being this super easy glitter slime. Consequently, we’ve accumulated a lot of slime-making supplies.

After finding several DIY bouncy ball recipes online that use slime ingredients, we thought it would be the perfect craft project for the kids.

However, our first attempt at making bouncy balls using an online recipe was disappointing. The balls weren’t very attractive and lacked bounce.

Determined to succeed, we spent the morning experimenting with different methods until we discovered a recipe that produces SUPER BOUNCY BALLS that also look fantastic!

Not So Bouncy Balls!

Most DIY bouncy ball recipes call for cornstarch and white glue. Here’s a picture of the balls we made using this recipe.

While they were fun to make, they only bounced about 5 inches at best—not quite what we had in mind!

Some instructions even suggested mixing two colors to create a tie-dye effect. Unfortunately, they just turned into unappealing brownish-green blobs.

So, we decided to try a different approach!

We experimented with the quantities of cornstarch and glue, as well as the order of mixing them. However, the results were still unsatisfactory.

DIY Bouncy Balls

Here it is! Our foolproof recipe for super bouncy balls using just THREE ingredients (one of which is water!).


  • 1/2 cup of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon of borax
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of clear Elmer’s glue (or Elmer’s clear glitter glue)

A Couple of Notes on These Ingredients

Borax: I discussed this in my Glitter Slime post, but it bears repeating here.

There have been recent concerns about the safety of borax in crafts. I’ve used it for years without any issues, even with dozens of children. Based on my research, it’s safe if used properly:

  • This project is not suitable for children under 3 years old.
  • Use a small amount and ensure it is fully dissolved before use to avoid burns or skin irritation.
  • Do not use if you or your child have sensitive skin or any skin conditions (or wear gloves to mix it).
  • Supervise children and ensure they don’t put their hands in their mouths after handling it.
  • As with all craft projects, wash your hands afterward!

Glitter Glue: After exhausting our bottle of Elmer’s Glitter Glue, we tried using glitter glue from the dollar store. Unfortunately, it didn’t work as well. There’s something about Elmer’s glue that sets it apart from generic brands.

How to Make Super Bouncy Balls

Step 1: Making the Borax Solution

(It’s best for an adult to handle this step.)

Stir together 1/2 cup of warm water and 1 tablespoon of borax until it is completely dissolved (add more water if necessary).

If the water is hot, allow it to cool.

Step 2: Add Your Glue

Slowly pour your desired amount of glue into the bowl of borax solution. The more glue you use, the bigger the ball! We used about 2 tablespoons of glue.

For a light blue translucent glitter bouncy ball, combine clear and glitter glue as you pour it into the borax solution.

Step 3: Squish and Squeeze!

As soon as the glue hits the borax solution, it will start to harden. Gently squeeze and squish the glue ball until it is no longer sticky.

Remove it from the borax solution and roll it between your hands to form a ball shape.

Note: The glue will harden, not the borax solution. You’ll have a leftover bowl of solution, so you can repeat the process to make as many super bouncy balls as you like!

And that’s it! How easy is that? And they really do BOUNCE!

A word of caution: These super bouncy balls are essentially very thick slime. If left for any length of time, they will gradually flatten and become disc-shaped. But it’s easy to roll them back into a ball shape with your hands.

Author: Shubham Calmblay

Shubham Calmblay, founder of, has a decade of experience with various Google products. He has authored 1,000+ guides for ATD, published on prestigious tech blogs. His work has garnered recognition from,,, and numerous other leading publications and corporations.