3 Weight Loss Recipes; Breakfast Edition ✨

Looking to jumpstart your weight loss journey, but tired of boring breakfasts?

Well, ditch the cereal and toast!

These three delicious recipes are packed with protein and flavor, keeping you satisfied all morning long.

Recipe 1: Strawberry and Crème Overnight Oats ( 440 Calories, 42g Protein, ⭐️ 5/5 Rating)

This recipe is the champion of easy breakfasts. Prep it the night before and wake up to a cool, refreshing meal!


  • 1 cup Premier Protein Shake (or your favorite protein shake)
  • 2 tablespoons Chia Seeds
  • 1/2 cup Rolled Oats
  • 1 tablespoon Sugar-Free Jam
  • Handful of chopped Strawberries
  • 1/4 cup Oikos Greek Yogurt
  • 1/2 tablespoon Honey
  • Dash of Vanilla Extract


  1. In a mason jar or container, combine the protein shake, chia seeds, and rolled oats.
  2. Layer on the deliciousness! Spread the sugar-free jam, then top it with fresh strawberries.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix the Greek yogurt, honey, and vanilla extract. Add this creamy layer on top of the strawberries.
  4. Seal the jar and refrigerate overnight.
  5. In the morning, grab your spoon and enjoy!

Recipe 2: Strawberry Protein Crepes ( 550 Calories, 85g Protein, ⭐️♾️/5 Rating [because it’s SO GOOD])

These protein-packed crepes are a delightful change from the usual.

While they require a little more effort, the taste is totally worth it!


  • 2 cups and 2 tablespoons Egg Whites
  • 1 scoop Protein Powder (your favorite flavor)
  • Honey (to taste)
  • 2 tablespoons Milk (any kind)
  • Cooking Oil
  • Fresh Strawberries (chopped)
  • Sugar-Free Jam (1 tablespoon)
  • Oikos Greek Yogurt (optional)
  • Vanilla Extract (optional)


  1. In your blender, combine the egg whites, protein powder, honey, and milk. Blend until the batter is smooth and thin.
  2. Heat a large pan on medium heat and add a touch of cooking oil.
  3. Pour a ladleful of batter into the pan, swirling it to create a thin circle.
  4. Each crepe will only cook for about 30 seconds per side. Flip carefully and watch closely to avoid burning. Repeat until all the batter is used (this recipe should make about 3 crepes).
  5. Filling Time! Combine the Greek yogurt (if using) with some honey and vanilla extract for a creamy spread.
  6. In a separate bowl, mix the chopped strawberries with a tablespoon of sugar-free jam.
  7. Spread the yogurt mixture on your crepe, then add the strawberry mixture. Fold the crepe in half and enjoy!

Recipe 3: Low-Carb Breakfast Tacos ( 375 Calories, 35g Protein, ⭐️ 100000/5 Rating [because it’s SO customizable!])

Calling all savory breakfast lovers! This recipe is a fantastic way to enjoy a protein-rich breakfast with all your favorite taco toppings.


  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 3 La Banderita Carb Counter Street Tortillas (or any low-carb tortilla)
  • Your favorite taco toppings (cheese, salsa, veggies, etc.)


  1. Scramble your eggs in a pan over low heat.
  2. While the eggs cook, cut your avocado in half.
  3. Warm your tortillas in a pan or microwave for a few seconds.
  4. Now comes the fun part! Assemble your taco with your favorite toppings. Scrambled eggs, avocado slices, cheese, salsa – the possibilities are endless!
  5. Plate your creation and savor a delicious, satisfying breakfast!


  • Feel free to adjust the ingredients in these recipes to fit your preferences and dietary needs.
  • Don’t have all the exact ingredients? No problem! Get creative and substitute with similar items you have on hand.
  • These recipes are all great for meal prepping. Make a big batch of overnight oats or protein crepes on Sunday to enjoy throughout the week.

With these delicious and easy recipes, you can conquer your mornings and stay on track with your weight loss goals. So ditch the boring breakfasts and fuel your body with flavor and protein!

Author: Shubham Calmblay

Shubham Calmblay, founder of appsthatdeliver.com, has a decade of experience with various Google products. He has authored 1,000+ guides for ATD, published on prestigious tech blogs. His work has garnered recognition from Protocol.com, Leadsbridge.com, MadMobile.com, and numerous other leading publications and corporations.