Authentic Carbonara

Authentic Carbonara

Authentic Carbonara is a classic Italian dish that has been loved by many for its rich and creamy texture.

It’s a simple yet luxurious meal that can be made with just a few high-quality ingredients.

The key to a perfect carbonara is to use fresh and genuine ingredients, and to follow the method carefully to achieve the best results.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of making an authentic carbonara, ensuring each step is clear and easy to follow.

So, let’s dive in and create a dish that is not only delicious but also impressively authentic.


  • 400g (14.1oz) Spaghetti
  • 4 Large Free Range Egg Yolks
  • 45g (1.6oz) Pecorino Romano Cheese, Freshly Grated (Substitute for Parmigiano Reggiano)
  • 250g (8.8oz) Guanciale (Substitute for Pancetta or Bacon)
  • Black Pepper To Taste


Step 1: Preparing the Pasta

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.

Cook the spaghetti one minute less than the package instructions to ensure it remains al dente.

This slight undercooking allows the pasta to finish cooking in the sauce, absorbing the flavors better.

While the pasta is cooking, prepare the other ingredients.

Step 2: Preparing the Egg and Cheese Mixture

In a mixing bowl, add the egg yolks and the freshly grated Pecorino Romano cheese.

Whisk them together until they form a smooth, creamy mixture.

Set this mixture aside; it will be the base of your carbonara sauce.

Make sure the egg and cheese mixture is well combined and lump-free.

Step 3: Cooking the Guanciale

Place a large pan over medium-high heat.

Add the guanciale to the pan while it is still cold.

This technique helps render the fat slowly, resulting in a crispy texture.

Gently fry the guanciale for about five minutes until it becomes crispy and the fat has rendered.

If you find there is too much fat, you can remove some, but it’s recommended to leave most of it in for flavor.

Turn off the heat once the guanciale is crispy and the fat has rendered.

Step 4: Combining the Pasta and Guanciale

Using tongs, transfer the cooked pasta directly from the pot to the pan with the guanciale.

This method allows some of the pasta water to be carried over, which helps to create a creamy sauce.

Reserve about one cup (250ml) of the pasta water in case you need to adjust the sauce’s consistency later.

Step 5: Creating the Sauce

Turn the heat off to avoid scrambling the eggs.

Add the egg yolk and cheese mixture to the pan with the pasta and guanciale.

Vigorously mix everything together until the sauce becomes smooth and creamy.

It’s crucial to work quickly here to ensure the eggs don’t scramble.

If the sauce is too thick, gradually add the reserved pasta water until you reach the desired consistency.

You may not need all the pasta water, so add it little by little.

Step 6: Serving the Carbonara

Serve the carbonara in individual bowls.

Top each serving with the crispy guanciale.

Grate additional Pecorino Romano cheese over the top for extra flavor.

Finish with a generous amount of freshly cracked black pepper.

Additional Tips

Choosing the Right Ingredients: The quality of ingredients makes a significant difference in the final dish.

Use fresh, free-range eggs and high-quality cheese for the best results.

Guanciale, an Italian cured meat, is preferred for its rich flavor, but pancetta or bacon can be used as substitutes if necessary.

Temperature Control: Maintaining the right temperature is crucial when making carbonara.
Turning off the heat before adding the egg mixture prevents the eggs from scrambling, resulting in a smooth and creamy sauce.

Mixing Technique: Mixing vigorously and quickly helps to emulsify the sauce, creating a creamy texture without curdling the eggs.

Adding pasta water gradually allows you to control the sauce’s consistency, making it creamy and luscious.

Serving Suggestions: Carbonara is best served immediately to enjoy its creamy texture.

Pair it with a simple green salad and a glass of crisp white wine for a complete meal.


Authentic Carbonara is a delightful dish that combines simplicity with rich flavors.

By following these steps carefully, you can create a delicious and impressive meal that captures the essence of traditional Italian cuisine.

Remember, the key to a great carbonara is using high-quality ingredients and paying attention to the technique.

Enjoy making and eating this classic dish, and don’t be afraid to share your creation with family and friends.

Buon appetito!

Author: Shubham Calmblay

Shubham Calmblay, founder of, has a decade of experience with various Google products. He has authored 1,000+ guides for ATD, published on prestigious tech blogs. His work has garnered recognition from,,, and numerous other leading publications and corporations.