Easy Homemade Bread Recipe

Easy Homemade Bread Recipe

Bread baking at home is a wonderfully rewarding experience.

It fills your home with a warm, inviting aroma, and there’s nothing quite like the taste of fresh, homemade bread.

This simple recipe is perfect for beginners and seasoned bakers alike.

Plus, you can easily split the recipe if you only want to make one loaf instead of two.

I usually make two loaves so I can share one with my family.


  • 2 cups warm water
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons dry active yeast
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 6 cups bread flour


  1. Prepare the Yeast Mixture
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine 2 cups of warm water (think baby bath temperature), 1/4 cup of sugar, and 1 1/2 tablespoons of dry active yeast.
  • Whisk these ingredients together until the yeast is dissolved.
  • Let this mixture sit for about 5 minutes. You’ll notice it becoming frothy and bubbly—this means the yeast is activating and ready to go.
  1. Mix in the Oil and Salt
  • Add 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt and 1/4 cup of vegetable oil to the yeast mixture.
  • Stir everything together until well combined.
  1. Incorporate the Flour
  • Start adding the bread flour, one cup at a time. After each cup, stir the mixture to combine.
  • Continue this process until all 6 cups of flour are mixed in. The dough will be quite sticky and shaggy at this point.
  1. Knead the Dough
  • Once most of the flour is combined, transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface.
  • Knead the dough for about 5 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. If the dough is too sticky, sprinkle a little more flour on your hands and the counter as needed.
  1. First Rise
  • Place the kneaded dough into a large, oiled bowl. Turn the dough around in the bowl to coat it with oil.
  • Cover the bowl with a clean kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let the dough rise in a warm place for about 1 hour. The dough should double in size.
  1. Shape the Loaves
  • After the dough has risen, punch it down to release the air.
  • Transfer it to a lightly floured surface and knead for a couple of minutes.
  • Divide the dough into two equal parts if you’re making two loaves. Shape each portion into a loaf by flattening it into a rectangle and then rolling it up tightly.
  1. Second Rise
  • Place the shaped loaves into greased 9×5-inch loaf pans.
  • Cover the pans with a kitchen towel and let the dough rise again for about 45 minutes. The loaves should rise just above the edge of the pans.
  1. Bake the Bread
  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
  • Place the loaf pans in the middle of the oven and bake for 30 minutes. The bread should be golden brown on top and sound hollow when tapped.
  • Remove the loaves from the pans immediately and let them cool on a wire rack before slicing.

Tips for Success

  • Water Temperature: Make sure the water is warm but not hot. Too hot, and it could kill the yeast; too cold, and the yeast won’t activate properly.
  • Kneading: Don’t skip the kneading process. This step is crucial for developing the gluten in the bread, which gives it structure and texture.
  • Rising Time: Be patient and let the dough rise fully. This will give your bread the best texture and flavor.
  • Cooling: Allow the bread to cool completely before slicing. This helps the bread set and makes it easier to cut.

Splitting the Recipe

If you only want to make one loaf, simply halve all the ingredients:

  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 3/4 tablespoon dry active yeast
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 3 cups bread flour

Follow the same instructions, adjusting the quantities as needed.

Enjoy your homemade bread, whether you keep it all for yourself or share a loaf with loved ones!

Author: Shubham Calmblay

Shubham Calmblay, founder of appsthatdeliver.com, has a decade of experience with various Google products. He has authored 1,000+ guides for ATD, published on prestigious tech blogs. His work has garnered recognition from Protocol.com, Leadsbridge.com, MadMobile.com, and numerous other leading publications and corporations.