Google Docs Words Going Off Page

Google Docs Words Going Off Page

Are your words going off the page while typing in your Google Docs document?

his common problem has been plaguing many users lately, making some words invisible while others remain visible.

Fortunately, there is an easy fix for this issue.

In this article, you’ll learn how to solve the “Words Going Off Page” problem in Google Docs.

Google Docs Words Going Off Page_Before
Google Docs Words Going Off Page_After

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Google Docs Words Going Off Page

Step 1: Select the content that is going off the page

Google Docs Words Going Off Page

When content or words go off the page, it can be frustrating for the writer or reader.

This issue can often be resolved by adjusting the indentation values to default settings.

To do this, the first step is to select the content that is going off the page.

This can be done by using the mouse to highlight the text.

Alternatively, if the problem is occurring throughout the entire document, it may be more efficient to use the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut to select all of the content at once.

Step 2: Go to Format > Align and indent > Indentation options

Google Docs Words Going Off Page

After selecting the content, you should click on the “Format” option from the menu located at the top of the screen.

Once the “Format” option has been selected, a drop-down menu will appear.

From this menu, select the “Align and indent” option.

After clicking on the “Align and indent” option, a secondary menu will appear. From this menu, select “Indentation options”, which is located toward the bottom of the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Set the “Left and Right” indentation to “0”

Google Docs Words Going Off Page

After you have selected “Indentation options” from the drop-down menu, you will see the “Indentation options” pop-up window.

In this window, you will see the indentation values in centimeters.

The indentation values are important in formatting the document as they determine the placement of the text on the page.

To ensure that the document is properly formatted, make sure that the left and right indentations are set to “0” centimeters.

Step 4: Set the “Special Indent” to “None” and click “Apply”

Google Docs Words Going Off Page

Under the “Right” indentation option, you will find the “Special indent” option.

Below it, you will see a drop-down menu.

Click on the drop-down menu and select “None”.

This will remove any special indentation from your document.

Finally, click on the “Apply” button to apply the changes.

By doing this, your document should have more space, and the problem of “words going off page” should be resolved.


Words Running Off Page in Google Docs

To fix words running off in Google Docs, reset indentation values. Select the content, go to Format > Align and indent > Indentation options. Change left and right indentation to “0”, set “Special Indent” to “None”, and click “Apply”.

Why is My Google Docs Typing Off the Page

If your words are going off the page while typing in your Google Docs document, it may be due to indentation values being set incorrectly.

Words Going Off Page Google Docs

To fix words going off page in Google Docs, select content and go to Format > Align and indent > Indentation options. Change left and right indentation to “0” and set “Special Indent” to “None”. Finally, click “Apply”.

Why is Google Docs Typing Off the Page

The words are typing off the page because of incorrect indentation values. Set both left and right indentations to zero to fix the issue.


In conclusion, the issue of “words going off page” in Google Docs is a common problem that can be easily fixed by adjusting the indentation values.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your document is properly formatted and that your content remains visible.

Remember, setting both left and right indentations to zero and selecting “None” for special indentation will help prevent this issue from occurring in the future.

Author: Shubham Calmblay

Shubham Calmblay, founder of, has a decade of experience with various Google products. He has authored 1,000+ guides for ATD, published on prestigious tech blogs. His work has garnered recognition from,,, and numerous other leading publications and corporations.